tandard of living
Due to a steadily increasing per capita GNP, which reached nearly US$12,000 in
1994, the ROC boasts a standard of living which is among the highest in Asia.
In spite of the trade surplus, inflation remains low. Although Taiwan has one of the world's densest populations and only one-quarter of its land is arable, the nation has a surplus of rice, sugar, and processed agricultural products. Due to the continuous growth of exports, the island has more than enough foreign exchange to import everything it needs. Food and clothing supplies are abundant and what once were considered luxuries-- such as refrigerators, air conditioners and TVs--have now become daily necessities. Electricity reaches almost every home on the island, and local transportation and communication services are excellent, even in small villages. Most people, at least in the cities, live in modern housing with all the standard conveniences, and their phenomenally high savings rate allows them to travel abroad and spend on a par with the developed nations.